This comedy horror franchise successfully entertains us again except for the last 30min flashback and excessive action that tests your patience. The crowd on a monday night and the upfront demand for the film in all the large theatres, clearly shows that the audience have not had enough of the earlier films – Muni and Kanchana. This third part of Muni is very similar. The hero is scared of ghosts and he is forced to be the cameraman of a TV crew that goes to film a story on ghosts. The crew unleash a spirit that seeks revenge and what happens forms the rest of the story. Raghava Lawrence and his mother Kovai Sarala provide for all the laughter. The first half has many moments that get the audience to LOL. Tapsee is adequate as his love interest. The director could have concentrated on a better revenge plot. Kudos to the actor/director for coming up with a film that will definitely match the taste of the masses. A clear winner.